Kennesha, over at Me and My House has given me an award! I'm so honored! Thanks Kennesha! I'll pass it on as soon as I have a few minutes. It's been busy around here!
And the kitchen as of today:
A chair that hasn't been recovered:
The chair that I finished last night
I love before's and after's. The lighter stripe really brightens the room. Don't laugh at the plastic coverings. . . . I do have 3 messy little ones.
I also snatched up these cute little apples and pears, 1.00 for the whole bunch.
This little potterybarn frame was 1.00 also. . .in perfect condition. (16.00 at Pottery Barn)
I always show the Golfer my deals. This time he said, "Wow, great deals, but you're getting too many projects." Ummmm, no, a girl can never have too many projects.
Or, maybe these:
Honestly, could they be any cuter? I think not.