Saturday, October 30, 2010

halloween 2010

The kids have been over-the-top excited about these costumes. Paige has been OBSESSED with How to Train Your Dragon, ever since we saw it in 3-D. Plus, she kind of looks like the girl from the movie "Astrid." Um, who names their kid that?
We collected random viking-like items from Goodwill and some fabric from Joanne. The skulls and spikes were made from lightweight sculpey clay. The skirt skulls and spikes were baked onto bolts and then bolted to the leather skirt. SO FUN to make! I hightly recommend lightweight sculpey clay, but don't forget your coupon. . . it's a little costly at full price.
In AZ, we don't wear furry boots. Especially my daughter, who is her own little space heater. I made a shoe cover out of felt and the fur just slips on like a leg warmer. His are the same, but he already had brown shoes, so he just wore those. His vest was one of the goodwill purchases, cut down to size. Then I added the tan leather, spikes and fur around the edges. We bought the hat and mask at a costume store.
"Astrid's" skirt was made from vinyl off of the clearance rack at Joanne. We made her shoulder armor from craft foam. Her axe is made from an old broom handle covered with some of the leftover leather and topped with the backside of cheerio boxes as the axe head. His is an old toy that he got from Medieval Times a year or so ago. we just painted the blade silver.
Costumes ready.
We headed out for their shoot in the "spooky trees."

Here's a scary dragon now! Watch out, she looks fierce!

wait! Don't hurt her. I hear that dragons can be trained.

They make great pets!

And apparantly they suck their thumbs. . who knew?
Happy Haunting!


Connie said...

You are freaking amazing, Kayleen!

Janet said...

You're kids are so cute in their costumes! There is really no other word to describe them but amazing! I love the little story that you told too. :)

Brittany@Love Stitched said...

this is amazing and so creative! i love it!

feel free to link it up to my HALLOWEEN COSTUME party going on now!!! there will be a prize for the top three costumes :)

Glenda @ Magnolia Bend Drive said...

So... are you going to sell the costumes on Ebay next fall? I am sure the winning bidder will have to pay big bucks for this stuff!

I can't believe how grown up Paige is now. She does favor Astrid dressed like this. The costumes are impressive, but your photography is... well, WOW.

MeZAndEMakes3 said...

My daughter LOVES "How to Train Your Dragon". It's her all-time favorite movie. She's almost 5, and for Christmas I bought her all of the action figures, a back-pack, books, etc. Seriously--we've probably seen the movie like 200 times.
When your daughter outgrows her Astrid costume, can I buy it?? :)

BB8nR2D2 said...

Hi, Is the Astrid costume in good condition? Would you conseder selling it? If so, I'm at If not, would you consider making one?Thanks.

Jenilyn Young said...

I need this Astrid costume for my daughter for Halloween did you sell it or will you sell it now? Or who did you sell it to so I can see if they're done with it please let me know Thanks!

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